Big changes are happening at CodersRank…

…all in the best way possible! Read on to find out what’s new with us!

Our mission is still the same: to support our developers’ professional growth. Don’t worry, this is still the first thing on our minds as we get up every day πŸ™‚ We want to show the best side of you to the world; one that paints an accurate picture of your coding accomplishments.

So, what is changing exactly?

Our focus and support will be shifting to take a more career-oriented role as a platform. CodersRank will be the ultimate source to connect you with the most relevant jobs. More specifically, you will now be on Profile 2.0, and itself is also getting a refresh soon.

Super sneak peek to our new website copy in development! I totally told our designer that I’m sharing this.


We feel that we can provide much better value by keeping our main focus on connecting you with your dream jobs. CodersRank has been a dedicated supporter of developer learning (such as the Learning Path), but the time has come where we need to decide on just one strategy instead of trying to serve all needs at once.

What does this mean for you? πŸ€”

If you’re a job-seeking developer, great! Tons of functionalities await you. If you’re not a job-seeking developer, great! Tons of functionalities await you, too!

Your CodersRank profile will continue to keep its promise: it will be ready to diligently showcase your skills as a developer, no matter your job status. Even if you’re not currently looking for a job, it’s a good idea to hang on to your profile until you need it for job search.

We do plan on adding some more career-related functionalities, such as integrating LinkedIn and generally providing more help in finding your dream job.

Also, you might have noticed that we’ve been releasing more and more features recently. We are indeed busy always adding new stuff to CodersRank, so make sure to check in on your profile regularly.

How about right now?

New Core Features in Profile 2.0 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

We have already rolled out Profile 2.0 while you were sleeping. See what’s new:


  • Job-Seeker Status

OK, I’m cheating a bit here, because this has been out for a while and we covered it in a previous feature-release blog post, too. But this simple little dropdown selector plays a pivotal role in the new CodersRank experience. This is the status that tells us exactly how you want to use the platform. You can set your profile to:

  • Actively looking for a job
  • Not looking, but open to offers
  • Not available for hire
This is how you select your job-seeker status

(note, that if you set it to “Actively looking for a job”, your status will expire in 30 days)

Again, even if you are not actively looking for a job (i.e., open to offers), it’s good to keep informed on the current opportunities. Having one eye open on your next role can land you in a position with better benefits, better salary, or better work/life balance.

  • New UI Design

    We have been releasing features after features just in the past couple of months. Our developers created a ton of amazing stuff – but all this amazingness needed a better structure.

Your new CodersRank profile layout has two tabs: Technical Skills (these are the features that help you monitor your progress as a developer), and General Info (this tab contains the features most useful for job search). All of the below blocks are located under the General Info tab.

  • Job Preferences block

    This is one of the most important sections if you’re a job-seeker. We made certain blocks searchable by recruiters and we are already seeing that this is one of the blocks they use often to filter for developers. Make sure you complete this section to get the most relevant job offers!
(Not the salary expectation I told them at my interview, btw)
  • Tech Stack block

    The purpose of the Tech stack block is to showcase your tech skills. Whether you want to feature all of your tech here or just the ones you want to get job offers for is up to you. For best results, coordinate your tech stack with the Specialisation section in the Job Preferences block.

And it works the other way, too. You can edit your Job Preferences block and add PHP to the Blacklist section if you can’t even stand the thought of it. No more irrelevant job offers, just because you spent your college years tinkering with PHP websites.

  • Work Experiences block

This section is great for listing ALL of your relevant work experiences (under Other Technologies). You can also add three technologies of your choice (under Highlighted Technologies). This is to showcase the most significant tech knowledge you gathered during a given project.

  • Portfolio block

You may have a few projects that you’re proud of because of their big scale, intricate coding solutions, or other feats. This is the place to list ALL of these achievements! Just like in the Work Experiences block, you can again add three technologies that played a significant role in that project.

And now over to you!

It’s time to login to your profile and optimize it according to your preferences!

That’s all folks… for today!

I hope you liked these updates. We are excited to continue our work on the platform that you already know and love – just with a bit more emphasis on job search for those developers who need it most in these uncertain times.

What do you think so far? Tell us on Slack, we are all ears πŸ™‚

Cheers, πŸ‘‚



Growth Marketer / Pizza Enthusiast @CodersRank. I love the Blue Jays, books, and The Office. Tell Elon I said hi. Always waiting for a Steam sale. | CodersRank: Our goal is supporting CODERS growth by their always up to date, professional CodersRank profile.

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